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What's Your Thoughts Transgender Woman on Female Wards

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Ok now I don't have a issue with any transgender at all but I think it's right it should be banned and I agree with this story as most know woman go through alot and I don't feel it's right it's getting taken away from us


8 months ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

lornaae it didn't take anything from me because I've never breast-fed but it's not gonna be the same for everyone the fact my pregnancy was difficult and my partner couldn't come to scans with me it was hard on him too he didn't get to hear them first heart beats and yes I won't lie I was fuming when I was told that he couldn't come because of covid that's understandable but they could have there partner there, this is the midwifes words by the way they needed more emotional support and that's bs every woman who's pregnant needs that support I watched a woman come out of a scan crying her eyes out on her own and was put in a room by herself as they found the baby had passed away she didn't have her husband with her it's heartbreaking


Leannexxx I completely empathise with you that is awful and I can’t imagine how difficult that must have been for you and others in those situations. I am simply saying that just because one transgender person had a different experience in that situation where you felt they were given things you weren’t able to have, doesn’t mean all transgender people are trying to take anything away from you or others. You had one experience with one transgender person that you are trying to generalise to the entire transgender population.


lornaae I'm not saying that I'm only going off my own experience in that part of my life I know full well that no one can blame the whole community but I can definitely see where people are coming from everyone has the right who they want to be and all they want is respect and treated the same but so do we most of the issue that will come up won't be because of true transgenders it will be from the ones who say stupid things like woman don't own periods but there will always be someone or something that no one will be happy with



Women have been persecuted throughout history. It has taken generations of women to get us close to equality and were still not even there and now people are trying to take it away!

If you wish to become a woman stop taking the rights of women away and respect them as we already have enough problems, with rape, sexual assaults, harassment and domestic violence to deal with. Plus a new generation rising following the delusional views of people like Andrew Tate. Breastfeeding is not chestfeeding we are mammals after all and its how we feed our young.


Midnightflower well said 👏👏


Leannexxx I'm really not a conservative minded person, I believe in gay marriage, adoption, rights to change your body as you wish and be who you want to be. But that cannot be to the detriment of half the population by deleting their identity. If you wish to be female celebrate their identity don't deny it.

I'm so fed up of being called ignorant for wanting to keep and celebrate my female identity.


Midnightflower oh I agree with I just struggle to put my thoughts into words 😅 it's not ignorant it's being honest do they think how we feel about it all no


Midnightflower completely agree that women have had to fight for equality. And now trans people are having to do the same. They are not taking anything away from cisgender woman in that process! May I add that when woman were fighting for equality there were perspectives that woman gaining equality would take something away from men. And still as gay/LGBT+ people fight for equality such as gay marriage and pride there are perspectives from straight people claiming this takes something away from them. You’re applying the same concept to trans women wanting to be treated equally to cis women. They’re not taking anything away from cis women, they just want to be treated equally.


lornaae I am not a cisgender woman I am a woman. I breastfeed my children after I carried them to term and I will not lose my identity to a small minority who cannot accept biological woman for who they are. As I said before If you wish to be female celebrate their identity don't deny it.


Midnightflower cisgender means you are the gender you were assigned at birth. So if you were born a female and are a women, the term cisgender just means that. You are not losing your identity in any way because of transgender women. I’d be interested to know why you feel your identity is changed because of someone else’s? Also what are you asking not to deny?


lornaae cisgender only came out when the LGBT community started same as pan and a sexual


Midnightflower honestly wish I could find the video when one said woman don't own periods they talk so much rubbish and they wonder why they get abuse online


Leannexxx you’re missing the point. You are judging a whole community based on one or two individuals. That is completely unjust.

And if you don’t want to use the term cisgender then don’t, I was only using it for clarity when discussing women born as females and trans women. Not taking anything away from you.


lornaae I'm not missing the point at all I've never once said there all like that one in the video I used the term they became that's what he referred her/himself as


Leannexxx I’m not saying anything about you using the word they. I’m saying you say you’ve never once said they are all like that, but you also stated that you fee trans people (as a group) are taking something away from you, and when explaining why you think this, you have attributed this to an individual case, the actions of one trans person. So you are generalising based off one person in that community.


lornaae no I didn't I said my experience was , never said there all like that as there individual people and I don't think your seeing all sizes to it just that your gonna jump and defend anything to do with the community


Leannexxx ok so do you have an issue with trans people (in this scenario trans women) and them all having equal rights and being able to access things as all women can?


lornaae no I don't but let's by honest there are things that they will never be treated the same way as a woman sorry but it's true they are never gonna have periods have a baby, go though menopause no matter how much they want to


Leannexxx that’s not the issue though. Ok so they may not have those things, but that’s no reason to treat them any different or for them not to have the same rights as other women. Those things really don’t matter in terms of how others perceive or treat them (or at least it shouldn’t).


lornaae I don't understand what rights do they want?? What woman have? That they think they don't have ?


Leannexxx well this whole post is saying that trans women shouldn’t be allowed on female wards and you are agreeing with that. Therefore not equal. They just want to be able to live their life as a woman and not have that denied or judged.


lornaae yes and I still agree with that because I don't know the whole fact if it's someone who's fully transformed then yes they should be on a womans ward but if it's just someone who identifys as a woman but haven't had all the surgery then sorry no they shouldn't be on a all woman's ward


lornaae There are plenty of women in the world who haven't been able to breastfeed or have children. It never stopped us using those words then, so why do we have to do it now because a man has chosen to be a woman or vice versa?


Midnightflower this isn’t about using those words though. I don’t think many people would have an issue with those words, but even still, why should trans women not be treated as women? And denied access to services and equality?


lornaae because when it comes to having a child that's something only woman can do sorry but that's nothing to do with trans so when it comes to stuff like that they shouldn't even have a say other parts yeah they should


lornaae I agree, they’re just trying to live the lives they believe and deserve to have just like many others. As for those saying they wouldn’t want to be in hospital ward with trans person, well that’s up to you. Personally speaking when I’ve been ill enough to need hospitalised my only concern is to get better as quickly as possible to get home again. A lot of trans people you wouldn’t know they’re trans unless they tell you and with hospital waiting lists and beds at premium a lot of hospital wards I’ve been on in last few yrs are mixed wards. Drs are also usually very discreet when discussing ur illness and at end of day if it’s personal woman’s problem you’ll be on gynae ward where I doubt very much there will be any trans women. Live and let live. There’s only 1 who can judge us and when that time comes I doubt very much he’ll condemn someone to hell for living the life they believe they should. There’s much badness in this world and I don’t believe being gay r trans is 1 of them. After all God said he made us all in his own image and likeness plus he’s a merciful god. And incase anyone thinks maybe I’m gay, trans etc I’m very much a straight woman with 4 wonderful grown up kids and 4 even more wonderful grandkids


lornaae I agree, they’re just trying to live the lives they believe and deserve to have just like many others. As for those saying they wouldn’t want to be in hospital ward with trans person, well that’s up to you. Personally speaking when I’ve been ill enough to need hospitalised my only concern is to get better as quickly as possible to get home again. A lot of trans people you wouldn’t know they’re trans unless they tell you and with hospital waiting lists and beds at premium a lot of hospital wards I’ve been on in last few yrs are mixed wards. Drs are also usually very discreet when discussing ur illness and at end of day if it’s personal woman’s problem you’ll be on gynae ward where I doubt very much there will be any trans women. Live and let live. There’s only 1 who can judge us and when that time comes I doubt very much he’ll condemn someone to hell for living the life they believe they should. There’s much badness in this world and I don’t believe being gay r trans is 1 of them. After all God said he made us all in his own image and likeness plus he’s a merciful god. And incase anyone thinks maybe I’m gay, trans etc I’m very much a straight woman with 4 wonderful grown up kids and 4 even more wonderful grandkids


LD is fairly pro-free speech, but this is a thread I reckon I can't answer it myself, so I'll leave a video that does it for me:

The young African guy speaks common sense and we need more people like him than fuel, uh, oddity.


This is a difficult one. My daughter was on mental ward few yrs ago and there was a transgender woman. Being honest I didn’t even know until my daughter told me. My daughter was very friendly with her and told me in confidence. To say I was shocked is an understatement, not because she was transgender but the fact she was a stunning looking woman and I would never have guessed. She’d just gone through full procedure few months prior but was suffering greatly cos her mum was secretly visiting her behind her family’s back. She was only child of her mums 1st marriage and she had 2 daughters to her 2nd husband. He refused to acknowledge her as a woman and constantly humiliated her when he saw her and used her birth name rather than her name now. Her mum told her she was dead to her as she had son and 2 daughters, she did this to hold face in front of her new husband and her family circle while at same time visiting her in secret. I can assure any of you that if she was a nurse or doctor on a hospital ward ud never think she was born male. As lornaae has stated these people just want to be treated like the human they believe they are. They aren’t out there to perv r make women feel uncomfortable. As a mum of 4 I’ve been glad to have understanding medical staff when I’ve needed them & didn’t stop to think whether they were male, female, straight, gay, transgender etc etc. I just want knowledgeable people around me etc. More women & men are attacked and assaulted by straight people than any other. Maybe we should think bout that than anything else


chele44 I agree there's alot that you can't tell and it's a shame that some families won't accept them I don't think that's right no matter what it's their child so they should support even if they don't understand and I know they have it hard but like I said if they did it as a full transgender I wouldn't have a issue with that the problem is that there is alot that just say that there woman to get put with all woman where as I think as doctors and nurses they should know that the trans women are fully woman not just a man dressed up


chele44 of course more people are attacked by straights, there are more of them! It is called percentages!


So what toilets or changing rooms do they use


Pfs everything will become unisex toilets and changing rooms there like that now at my local swimming baths


Leannexxx yes that's true. Good luck to the ladies using the toilet after some men.


Pfs yeah that's true honestly it's not nice but some woman are just as bad when drunk they have no shame


I totally agree with you I don't have a problem with transgender people but do not agree with them in the same ward as female its totally wrong we are embarrassed at the best of times showing our body's of definitely don't need a man to see it other than the doctors


I would feel uncomfortable but I’m not against transgender. I think if they want to be women they have to be treated as women. I think examinations should be in privacy and toilets/showers should be private spaces too.


Listening to Rishi Sunak yesterday I think he would love to deny sex changes.


Pjran can't comment on that as I don't watch anything that has a politician on 🤣 there's only so many times you can listen to there bs


All examinations r always done in private anytime I’ve ever had any done so don’t think that’s an issue r should be an issue. In countries across Europe they have joint bathroom facilities and I think eventually that’s what will happen here. I think we’re all overthinking this and I think any transgender people working in hospitals etc should be vetted and checked. I’m sure most will be fully trans or at least proving they are on that journey. We can’t say that some men might pretend to be transitioning just to get onto female wards but look at recent case of Lucy Letby, she was full nurse but still abused her power to kill those babies. If people are thinking of abusing women, harming people etc they’ll worm their way in no matter what. People, whether they’re straight, trans or even alien, if they have evil thoughts they’ll find a way no matter what


It crazy idea and someone needs to have the balls to say so


There have always been mixed wards and to be honest it wouldn't bother me as long as they pulled a screen around the bed when attending to personal stuff.


I don't really have anything sensible to say on the subject but just thought I'd post this amusing cartoon here;



Live and let live, but hospitals would have to take responsibility for the safety and care of all patients. There should be no special treatment for any singular patient regardless of gender, class, culture or other factors.


I wouldn't feel comfortable in hospital in the first place but mixed wards of any kind are a big NO-NO.


I knew as soon as I saw the post there would be transphobic comments. I really don’t understand people. I recently was in hospital, mixed ward, I had no interest in who was male female or other. You are in hospital for treatment, be grateful.

Trans women are women too, no matter your opinion on it. Trans people have always been around and always will, BECAUSE IT IS NORMAL! It is just more spoken about and all the straight & cisgender people want their opinion heard 24.7. The world has been built for straight and cisgender people and anyone outside of that who are different are seen as wrong… RIDICULOUS. Let people live their lives and be happy, get on with your own lives, stop making an issue out if everything.


HappyComperZoe sorry but they are not women they live like a woman and people don't have a issue with that it's mixed wards in general they don't feel comfortable with and why is it that anyone has a opinion they transphobic?


Leannexxx opinions are like a***holes we all have one, your one just happens to also be transphobic 👍🏻.

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